If a city isn't a Smart one, we automatically assume it is a stupid one.
— Someone at the Smart Cities conference
Cognitive City vs Smart City
When it comes to urban development and technology, two terms that often come up are Cognitive city and Smart city. While both concepts are focused on utilizing technological advancements to improve urban living, there are some key differences between them.

A Cognitive city goes beyond a Smart city in terms of its approach to incorporating technology. A Cognitive city not only embraces the tech-savvy innovations of a Smart city but also dives deeper into creating a seamless user experience for city residents. It quietly adapts to the interests and needs of its inhabitants, constantly improving city services without residents even noticing. Over time, as the Cognitive city learns from resident data, city services become more personalized and efficient, with information becoming more accurate and timely.

In essence, a Cognitive city takes the principles of a Smart city and enhances them by focusing on creating a more intuitive and responsive urban environment. By utilizing data and analytics in decision-making processes, a Cognitive city aims to better understand the behaviors and preferences of its residents to tailor services and infrastructure to their needs.

While a Smart city excels in using technology to optimize urban infrastructure and services, a Cognitive city takes it a step further by creating a more personalized and efficient urban experience for residents. Both concepts aim to improve urban living through technology and data-driven strategies, with a Cognitive city offering a more advanced and user-centric approach to urban development. Ultimately, the choice between a Cognitive city and a Smart city depends on the specific goals and priorities of urban planners and policymakers in their efforts to create vibrant and sustainable cities for all residents.

The Smart City project, which we implemented in Kazakhstan in 2015:

The mindblowing inMotion Cognitive city project, presented by Billboardvideo at the LEAP2024 exhibition in Riyadh, which we are implementing worldwide: